Saturday, February 5, 2011


We have been struggling so much with tantrums and Isaac's behavior, especially whining and crying. It can be confusing and frustrating. Mostly we are trying to remain calm and patient.

Another thing that's been hard is his sleeping. My child who used to go to sleep peacefully and sleep 12 hours at night, and 1 1/2 - 3 hours for a nap each afternoon, has been not napping, crying at naptime and bedtime, waking in the middle of the night, and waking for the day as early as 5 am. It has been a struggle for Mama, Dada and Isaac.

But, I am just so joyous this morning! Isaac slept until 7:30!! This was his usual wake-up time for months on end, but it has been over a month since he's slept this late. Also, in the recent past he has woken up crying and upset. He was so happy and sweet this morning. And it continued. He has been fighting getting dressed vehemently. He actually asked to put on his shirt this morning. Then, he asked for his pants! I was just trying to soak up and enjoy every minute.

It's Saturday, so he went to breakfast at Hoskins Drug Store here in Clinton with Nathan, Pa and Mr. Jim. He happily put on shoes, coat and hat, gave me a bye-bye kiss, and climbed in the car. This is especially huge because he has been very clingy to mama for a while now. 

Hallelujah! Praise God! I am so grateful for such a wonderful morning and such a sweet and precious boy.

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