It has been so wonderful to have such a musical December this year!
The Oak Ridge Community Orchestra, in which I play violin, had our Christmas concert Saturday, December 4th, and also a few members played at Kroger, a local grocery store, this past Saturday while customers shopped.
Yesterday afternoon I went to see my dad play trombone in the Oak Ridge Community Band's annual Christmas concert and sing-a-long. It was so fun to see the band decked out in red and green, some with reindeer antlers, some with jingle bells, (my dad with a red Rudolph nose). The church where they played, First Baptist of Oak Ridge, was also so pretty with lighted Christmas trees and poinsettas.
Sunday the 4th, we had our Children's Christmas program at church, which I led as a part of my interim Children's Music Director position. The kids did wonderfully, I was so proud of them. They sang five songs, with scripture and short lines for everyone in between. They were dressed as angels, shepherds and kings.
Last Saturday Nathan and I went to the Sound Company show, a local song-and-dance group for kids as young as 5 up through high school seniors. Tonight we're going to Show Stoppers, which is the Clinton High School glee club if you will, to see their Christmas show.
Yesterday morning in church I sang with the Praise Band. We did a couple traditional carols and a couple praise and worship songs as well. Next Sunday is the Lessons and Carols worship service, which is composed primarily of choral numbers accompanied by strings and scripture. One of my favorite services of the year.
Later that day, some of the church members are going caroling. I took the initiative to put this together. When I was growing up, we'd all pile in the church van and drive to church members' homes who were elderly and couldn't get out to come to church. There is something very nostalgic to me about standing out in the cold, bundled in scarves and gloves, holding candles and singing a cappella or with guitar to a smiling neighbor in their doorway. I am excited about going, I think it will be such a blessing.
Somewhat random thoughts of a Christian wife, mother, homemaker, knitter, musician, photographer, cook.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Knitted Book Cover
Wow I am so behind on posting! We've been to Florida, celebrated Thanksgiving, and many other things since I last posted.
Well, for now I want to share my latest knitting project. It only took a couple nights to make, and I really like it! It's my first time doing a book cover pattern, but it was easy and I definitely plan to do it again!
Basically, you cast on enough to make the length of the book from top to bottom, then make a long rectangle that is long enough to wrap around the book (from inside front cover to inside back cover), bind off, and sew the flaps. There are 3 rows of rib stitching at the beginning and end, garter stitch for the spine, and stockinette stitch for the rest. The kind of yarn and needle size is flexible.
Well, for now I want to share my latest knitting project. It only took a couple nights to make, and I really like it! It's my first time doing a book cover pattern, but it was easy and I definitely plan to do it again!
Basically, you cast on enough to make the length of the book from top to bottom, then make a long rectangle that is long enough to wrap around the book (from inside front cover to inside back cover), bind off, and sew the flaps. There are 3 rows of rib stitching at the beginning and end, garter stitch for the spine, and stockinette stitch for the rest. The kind of yarn and needle size is flexible.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sharing from my Quiet Time this morning
I just finished my quiet time. I am so grateful for this reassurance this morning from Beth Moore:
While it may not always be God's will to remove all physical suffering while we are on this earth, or to grant us every blessing we hope for, it is always His will for us to be free from all strongholds. "You will never have to worry about whether you are praying in God's will concerning strongholds. 'It is for freedom that Christ has set us free' (Galatians 5:1)" (Praying God's Word, Beth Moore, p. 36)
I find so much comfort in this, because throughout my faith walk with Jesus, I have gone through different phases of how I pray. There was a time when I prayed for the outcome I wanted in a situation. Then, after learning more about God's will vs. my own, I would simply pray for His will to be done. But then, after more time passed, more scripture reading and fellowship, I meditated on Matthew 7:7-11 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
And so, now I usually pray for the outcome I think is best for myself or those for which I pray, but I also pray for God's will. Yet this reassurance from Beth Moore speaks so loud and clear to me! If I am praying for freedom from a stronghold, be it addiction, guilt, unforgiveness, depression, among other things, I need not worry that this isn't God's will!
And earlier, on page 45,
"Believing God is never more critical than when we have strongholds that need to be demolished. Believing God is also rarely more challenging. Why? Because we've battled most of our strongholds for years and perhaps tried countless remedies in an effort to be free with very little success. The enemy taunts us with whispers like, "You'll never be free. You've tried a hundred times. You go back every time. you're hopeless. You're weak. You're a failure. You don't have what it takes." Every one of these statements about you is a lie if you are a believer in Christ. You do have what it takes. You have Jesus - the Way, the Truth, and the Life. But you can't just believe in Him to be free from your stronghold. You must believe Him. Believe He can do what He says He can do. Believe you can do what He says you can do. Believe He is who He says He is. And believe who He says you are."
What freedom! What encouragement! What reassurance I find in God's Holy Word! He is "Wonderful, Glorious, Holy and Righteous! Victorious, Conqueror, Triumphant and Mighty! Healer, Deliverer, Shield and Defense! Strong Tower, and My Best Friend! Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Soon Coming King! Alpha, Omega, Lord of Everything! Holy, Holy, Holy is His Name!" (taken from an incredible song I once sang with my worship choir in Tampa).
He is all these things and more, and we are His children. He loves us with a Father's love. Believe this. Believe Him. We are children of the Most High King!
While it may not always be God's will to remove all physical suffering while we are on this earth, or to grant us every blessing we hope for, it is always His will for us to be free from all strongholds. "You will never have to worry about whether you are praying in God's will concerning strongholds. 'It is for freedom that Christ has set us free' (Galatians 5:1)" (Praying God's Word, Beth Moore, p. 36)
I find so much comfort in this, because throughout my faith walk with Jesus, I have gone through different phases of how I pray. There was a time when I prayed for the outcome I wanted in a situation. Then, after learning more about God's will vs. my own, I would simply pray for His will to be done. But then, after more time passed, more scripture reading and fellowship, I meditated on Matthew 7:7-11 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
And so, now I usually pray for the outcome I think is best for myself or those for which I pray, but I also pray for God's will. Yet this reassurance from Beth Moore speaks so loud and clear to me! If I am praying for freedom from a stronghold, be it addiction, guilt, unforgiveness, depression, among other things, I need not worry that this isn't God's will!
And earlier, on page 45,
"Believing God is never more critical than when we have strongholds that need to be demolished. Believing God is also rarely more challenging. Why? Because we've battled most of our strongholds for years and perhaps tried countless remedies in an effort to be free with very little success. The enemy taunts us with whispers like, "You'll never be free. You've tried a hundred times. You go back every time. you're hopeless. You're weak. You're a failure. You don't have what it takes." Every one of these statements about you is a lie if you are a believer in Christ. You do have what it takes. You have Jesus - the Way, the Truth, and the Life. But you can't just believe in Him to be free from your stronghold. You must believe Him. Believe He can do what He says He can do. Believe you can do what He says you can do. Believe He is who He says He is. And believe who He says you are."
What freedom! What encouragement! What reassurance I find in God's Holy Word! He is "Wonderful, Glorious, Holy and Righteous! Victorious, Conqueror, Triumphant and Mighty! Healer, Deliverer, Shield and Defense! Strong Tower, and My Best Friend! Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Soon Coming King! Alpha, Omega, Lord of Everything! Holy, Holy, Holy is His Name!" (taken from an incredible song I once sang with my worship choir in Tampa).
He is all these things and more, and we are His children. He loves us with a Father's love. Believe this. Believe Him. We are children of the Most High King!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Healthy Veggie Recipes My Toddler Loves (& we do too!)
Gotta give credit to my husband for this first one. He created it as far as I know. Super easy and incredibly yummy!
Roasted Broccoli
Preheat oven to 450
Cover a cookie sheet with aluminum foil, lightly spray with cooking spray
Chop a head of broccoli into flowerettes, place on cookie sheet in a single layer
Either spray broccoli with cooking spray or drizzle with oil
Sprinkle broccoli with seasoning salt
Roast approximately 10 minutes
Credit goes to my mother-in-law for this next one. I don't have the recipe in front of me with exact measurements, but this is the general idea. You really can't mess it up too much.
Cauliflower Soup
Chop an onion, saute in 2 Tbsp olive oil
Chop a head of cauliflower into flowerettes, add to onion, saute 5 minutes
Add 1 1/2 c chicken broth and 1/2 c skim milk to cauliflower
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat, cover and simmer 30 minutes
Put mixture in a blender until desired consistency
Whisk in 4 oz shredded cheddar and fresh dill
These are both favorite recipes of mine, healthy and delicious, and my son loves them! Hope you and yours do too. Enjoy!
Romantic Get-Away
Nathan and I officially started dating October 25, 2003. Which means that we just celebrated our 7th anniversary of being together. Nathan does a fantastic job of remembering our wedding anniversary, March 11, 2006. Usually I'm the one who plans something small, like a dinner out, to celebrate our dating anniversary or our engagement anniversary, September 9, 2005. So when he planned a 2-night romantic getaway last week, I was swept off my feet.
Nathan and I both love surprises - both to give and receive them. So, with Isaac at my mother-in-law's for his first overnight without mommy or daddy, (but in the most capable and loving hands), Nathan and I set out. I had no idea where we were headed. We got in I-75 and headed north. The drive was absolutely beautiful, with the vibrant autumn leaves surrounding us. We exited at LaFollette and drove through Campbell County, traveling further north on Highway 25. We turned off the highway and drove up, and up. And up. And up! I kept thinking, how much higher can we go?!
There is magical place just outside LaFollette, TN called McCloud Mountain. It is 2700 feet above sea level and you can see for miles and miles. A restaurant and lodge was just recently built and opened. Nathan told me we were eating lunch there. It was so beautiful, and our meal was delicious. After eating we headed over to check out the lodge. He didn't tell me we were staying there, but surprised me by simply using a key to open a door to the Acorn Suite.
to be continued...
Nathan and I both love surprises - both to give and receive them. So, with Isaac at my mother-in-law's for his first overnight without mommy or daddy, (but in the most capable and loving hands), Nathan and I set out. I had no idea where we were headed. We got in I-75 and headed north. The drive was absolutely beautiful, with the vibrant autumn leaves surrounding us. We exited at LaFollette and drove through Campbell County, traveling further north on Highway 25. We turned off the highway and drove up, and up. And up. And up! I kept thinking, how much higher can we go?!
There is magical place just outside LaFollette, TN called McCloud Mountain. It is 2700 feet above sea level and you can see for miles and miles. A restaurant and lodge was just recently built and opened. Nathan told me we were eating lunch there. It was so beautiful, and our meal was delicious. After eating we headed over to check out the lodge. He didn't tell me we were staying there, but surprised me by simply using a key to open a door to the Acorn Suite.
to be continued...
Friday, October 29, 2010
My baby boy
For some reason that we may never know, God chose to bless us with the sweetest, most precious, most lovable baby boy I could ever imagine. He's stolen my heart.
...not much of a blog post, but it's what I'm feeling right now, and usually think about several times each day.
...not much of a blog post, but it's what I'm feeling right now, and usually think about several times each day.
Isaac, October 2010, 19 months old |
I absolutely could not be more proud of him. I am constantly amazed at how much joy he brings to our lives. I can't imagine life without him.
Sharing from my Quiet Time this morning
Recently I joined a Good Morning Girls group. I encourage you to check this out if you haven't before. Below is my GMG share from this morning.
I just finished my quiet time. I am thoroughly enjoying my Beth Moore book. After a long introduction, I am into the first chapter. This is titled Overcoming Idolatry. I like this point that she makes - virtually every stronghold involves the worship of some kind of idol. For example, pride/worship of self; addiction/worship of some substance or habit. Other things become the "god" of our lives, things that get our primary focus. She goes on to say that as our minds rehearse the strength of the stronghold (false idol) over God's strength, we suffer. However, when we focus on God's infinite strength, truth begins to eclipse the lies. We are reminded that in our weakness He is strong.
I am so grateful for these reminders. I need to work more on the "A" in the ACTS prayer model, and this chapter in her book is perfect for this. Here are a couple of my favorite scripture prayers so far:
"The earth is Yours, O Lord, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it. (Ps. 24:1) For You, my Lord, are a great God, the great King above all gods. In Your hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to You. The sea is Yours, for You made it, and Your hands formed the dry land. (Ps. 95:3-5)
I like this one especially because it emphasizes God as creator.
"Lord, I know that You are great - greater than all gods. You do whatever pleases You, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths. (Ps. 135:5) Although You are sovereign and You do what You please, You are righteous in all Your ways and loving toward all You have made. (Ps. 145:17)
This one very much appeals to me because after praising God, it mentions his love for us, of which I am in constant awe. He is the creator of all things, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and yet, loves each and every one of us. ALL of us! Each human who has ever, is currently, and will ever live on this earth. No matter who you are, where you live, what you believe, what you have done, it doesn't matter. HE LOVES US. He is our Father, we are His children, and despite anything and everything, He loves us.
I am so grateful for these reminders. I need to work more on the "A" in the ACTS prayer model, and this chapter in her book is perfect for this. Here are a couple of my favorite scripture prayers so far:
"The earth is Yours, O Lord, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it. (Ps. 24:1) For You, my Lord, are a great God, the great King above all gods. In Your hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to You. The sea is Yours, for You made it, and Your hands formed the dry land. (Ps. 95:3-5)
I like this one especially because it emphasizes God as creator.
"Lord, I know that You are great - greater than all gods. You do whatever pleases You, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths. (Ps. 135:5) Although You are sovereign and You do what You please, You are righteous in all Your ways and loving toward all You have made. (Ps. 145:17)
This one very much appeals to me because after praising God, it mentions his love for us, of which I am in constant awe. He is the creator of all things, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and yet, loves each and every one of us. ALL of us! Each human who has ever, is currently, and will ever live on this earth. No matter who you are, where you live, what you believe, what you have done, it doesn't matter. HE LOVES US. He is our Father, we are His children, and despite anything and everything, He loves us.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Train Ride
I went on my first train ride last Friday with my parents. It was out of Etowah, TN.
It was about 4 hours, we went out and then came back on the same tracks. The colors were beautiful! My favorite spot on the train was standing on the back in the open air.
I have a lot more photos, which I plan to upload to FB. I want to write more, but naptime has suddenly ended!
It was about 4 hours, we went out and then came back on the same tracks. The colors were beautiful! My favorite spot on the train was standing on the back in the open air.
I have a lot more photos, which I plan to upload to FB. I want to write more, but naptime has suddenly ended!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Olive Garden with my toddler... and a happy ending!
Every Thursday night Isaac and I have dinner with my husband's grandmother (Grammy), his aunt Melissa (Aunt Zissa), and a few of their girlfriends. Since Isaac has become mobile it's gotten more difficult to go out to eat, especially to "sit-down" restaurants. Many nights Grammy cooks at her house, which is wonderful! She's a fabulous cook and her house is definitely toddler friendly. She adores Isaac and has lots of toys there for him to play with.
Well this week they asked us to come to Olive Garden. I've turned them down probably the last 3 or 4 times they've invited us to go out on a Thursday, because I wasn't up for the experience of chasing an energetic toddler around a nice restaurant while my food gets cold and I get increasingly embarrassed and frustrated.
Well they are so sweet and promised to help with Isaac that I thought, let's try it. I was so surprised! I was so PROUD of my son. He was a little angel! He sat in the highchair the entire meal. He never got loud or fussy. He colored with the crayons until the food came and then ate with us. It was amazing! Aunt Zissa did take him to go outside after we were all done eating and the rest of us stayed to get our checks and to-go boxes. But I was just so proud and pleased. Perhaps we've turned a corner? Perhaps I got lucky? I definitely think it helps to have my 19 month old planked on either side by family members who absolutely adore him and haven't been with him all day. But regardless, it was a wonderful experience.
Well this week they asked us to come to Olive Garden. I've turned them down probably the last 3 or 4 times they've invited us to go out on a Thursday, because I wasn't up for the experience of chasing an energetic toddler around a nice restaurant while my food gets cold and I get increasingly embarrassed and frustrated.
Well they are so sweet and promised to help with Isaac that I thought, let's try it. I was so surprised! I was so PROUD of my son. He was a little angel! He sat in the highchair the entire meal. He never got loud or fussy. He colored with the crayons until the food came and then ate with us. It was amazing! Aunt Zissa did take him to go outside after we were all done eating and the rest of us stayed to get our checks and to-go boxes. But I was just so proud and pleased. Perhaps we've turned a corner? Perhaps I got lucky? I definitely think it helps to have my 19 month old planked on either side by family members who absolutely adore him and haven't been with him all day. But regardless, it was a wonderful experience.
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Isaac playing in the rocks outside Olive Garden |
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Quite a Musical Wednesday
Tonight at church was awesome!
First, I got to lead praise band rehearsal. We learned 3 new songs! Everyone did great and I just had so much fun.
Then, I lead children's choir. We're singing in church Sunday. It's the first time the kids are doing something in worship service since I took the job. So I am excited and a little nervous. But I know they'll do great. We're doing a song titled "Child of the Universe." I found it in one of the old file folders. The kids really like it, and I totally dig the imagery - sun, stars, grains of sand. I hope the congregation receives it well.
Finally, we had adult choir rehearsal. Tonight was different because this Sunday is UMW (United Methodist Women) Sunday, so the entire service is being done by women. We had a great turnout for the all-women choir. I think worship this Sunday will be fabulous.
Visitors welcome! Memorial United Methodist of Clinton TN. Worship is 10-11 Sunday morning.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Guitar for beginners
We had a yard sale this past Saturday. A friend of mine offered to bring some stuff she was going to just give to Goodwill, and if we sold it, we could keep the money. Isn't that awesome? One of the items was a guitar. We had it out on a table to sell for a while, then I thought, hey, I've always wanted to play guitar. So I pulled it off the table and brought it in the house.
3 days later, I've leared 3 chords. I can play John Denver's Leaving on a Jet Plane!
...well, not exactly up to speed, but I'm so encouraged!
I've tried guitar before and given up pretty quickly. It's SO much harder than violin to me. Two too many strings, such different technique, and my fingers are killing me. But, I'm motivated this time. I think it's because I realize what a blessing it would be to be able to play guitar. The portability, the campfire opportunties, the ability to contribute in worship. That is what motivates me most.
The 3 chords are G, C & D. I just looked up free online guitar lessons and was pretty happy with my first. Maybe tomorrow I can find time to do free online lesson #2.
3 days later, I've leared 3 chords. I can play John Denver's Leaving on a Jet Plane!
...well, not exactly up to speed, but I'm so encouraged!
I've tried guitar before and given up pretty quickly. It's SO much harder than violin to me. Two too many strings, such different technique, and my fingers are killing me. But, I'm motivated this time. I think it's because I realize what a blessing it would be to be able to play guitar. The portability, the campfire opportunties, the ability to contribute in worship. That is what motivates me most.
The 3 chords are G, C & D. I just looked up free online guitar lessons and was pretty happy with my first. Maybe tomorrow I can find time to do free online lesson #2.
Recipes from this morning's Bible Study
The food went over extremely well at Bible study this morning. Here are the recipes:
Creamy Dreamy Pie
- 4 oz cream cheese
- 1 1/2 c powdered sugar
- 3/4 c crunchy peanut butter
- 1/4 c milk
- 1 c cool whip
- 1 graham cracker crust
Simple Ambrosia
- canned pineapple in juice (chunk, tidbits or crushed, doesn't matter)
- canned mandarin oranges
- sweetened coconut
Easy Cherry Turnovers
- tube of crescent roles
- can of cherry pie filling
- powdered sugar
Bible Study yummies
It's my turn to for Bible study food! Along with another Bible study member, we've been given the honor of preparing grub for our lovely ladies of Faith Filled Women. My partner in crime is doing breakfast burritos and juice. I quickly volunteered for something sweet, probably my favorite thing to make. I opted for Creamy Dreamy Pie (super easy, super yummy peanut butter pie recipe, taken from the Mini-Pages in the Oak Ridger probably two decades ago), a new Cherry Turnover recipe (from my Busy Woman Cookbook, all recipes have 3-4 ingredients), and my version of Ambrosia. Recipes and pics to come. I'll let you know how these go over with the ladies.
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